Bulgarian Folkloric Singing: Feature on Bulgarian Television

By Kate Conklin
November 9, 2020

It is hard to convey the utter amazement I felt hearing my name spoken on Bulgarian Television, followed by my own voice singing! Bulgarian singing is something I felt compelled to do, and never dreamed to have any sort of recognition in.


This was so moving to see, many of my beloved friends are in here somewhere with me.
The interview portion was filmed in the Spring of 2020, and it was a profound experience to connect with producer Valeria Schimizzi at the early part of the global pandemic, and learn how life looked in my second home country of Bulgaria.
The hosts talk about my time living in Bulgaria on a Fulbright Grant, my time singing for Cirque du Soliel, founding and directing the Bulgarian Ensembles at CalArts, my Tedx talk, and my online Bulgarian Singing Course. There’s even a bit of me singing with Graduale Nobili (The incredible choir that sang a Pirin song with me whilst touring with Bjork for Biophilia) thanks to, and with, Jodie Landau.

I am deeply grateful for this beautiful feature. At the moment of writing this, we are finishing our album of Bulgarian Songs, Mesechinko Ljo, our love letter to this music. We can’t wait to share it with you.
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