Wildness &


I am THRILLED to invite you to a deep dive with me into vocal mastery.

Teaching people to sing and perform with unprecedented ease and exquisiteness is my SUPERPOWER.

In these workshops we don’t just talk about the physiology and principles- we get in the arena and see what happens when you use ALL of yourself efficiently, expressively, and fully.

With my signature blend of science and skill, we will demystify the physiological function of the vocal mechanism, the respiratory system, and how your body actually works. By exploring your unique instrument, essential qualities of optimal movement and acoustics, and working precisely with specific skills, we will uncover the artistry that is truly possible in these realms, and reveal processes and sound qualities that are surprising and sublime.

No matter what you wish to do with extraordinary quality, knowing HOW your instrument and your body work, and how to work with them gives you total fluency in your performing and limitless expression. Doing all of this in the context of optimal sounds and coordination ensures safety, sustainability, and profound artistry.

Your singing and performing will never be the same.


FALL 2024

Saturday, September 14
2-5pm Pacific/ 5-8pm Eastern
*For singers, instrumentalists, and performers of all disciplines.

Saturday, October 5
2-5pm Pacific/ 5-8pm Eastern
*For singers, instrumentalists, and performers of all disciplines.

Saturday, November 9
2-5pm Pacific/ 5-8pm Eastern
*For singers, instrumentalists, and performers of all disciplines.

Saturday, December 7
2-5pm Pacific/ 5-8pm Eastern
*For singers, instrumentalists, and performers of all disciplines.

Workshops are on Zoom.
Recordings of every workshop are available for you to review, and/or if you cannot attend live.

Workshop Structure

Part 1: Introduction & Lecture How Your Body Works
Physiological Structure, Function & Key Concepts

Part 2: Application & Experiments How the Skill Works
Principles, Tools, Techniques & Practices

Part 3: Coaching Individual Application
Specific coaching to work more precisely with repertoire, application, and integration.
Participants work directly with Kate to fully apply what they’ve learned, and additional desires they have.

Part 4: Open Q&A

“The resonance workshop was much more than I was expecting. I was presented with a method of grounding and releasing one’s fullest sound without getting in its way, and then also wonderful imagery with tiny movements to shape formants into musical phrases.”
Andrea Young

“These workshops are such a great way to get a buildable framework, and a feel for how Kate works. Having them recorded means you can go back and update/review as you develop fluency and provides powerful reminders for the precise process to get the best results.”
Madison Smith


Kate Conklin is 6 feet 3 inches of pure, unadulterated resonance.

Kate is a soprano, a leading interpreter of the highly demanding vocal music of Bulgaria, and an extraordinary performance coach. Kate is a certified Integrative Alexander Technique teacher, holds two degrees in Vocal Performance, and was a Fulbright Scholar to Bulgaria, where she studied singing, pedagogy, and conducting, and performed as a member of The Ivan Spassov Academic Choir. Kate was also the vocalist for Cirque du Soleil’s “O,” where she performed approximately nine hundred shows, and subsequently brought on to teach at the California Institute of the Arts where she served as vocal faculty, as well as founding and directing the Bulgarian Vocal Ensembles.

Kate sings in seventeen + languages and is known for her playful gravitas.

Kate coaches acrobats, artists, opera singers, athletes, entrepreneurs, directors, and performers of all kinds to create the conditions for consistent optimal performance, skilled mastery, and unprecedented performance techniques so they can get the support, recognition, and fulfillment they desire and deserve.

Kate’s unique methodology, Wildness & Precision®, is the process that has emerged from decades of coaching the best performers in the world, and deep study in the fields of optimal performance, optimal acoustics, flow state, stress physiology, neurobiology, systems theory, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, anthropology, philosophy, and creativity.