Speed, Agility, Ornaments, Trills & Coloratura
When: Saturday, October 5, 2-5pm Pacific/ 5-8pm Eastern
*For singers, instrumentalists, and performers of all disciplines.
This workshop is designed to make you go really fast, really well.
By delving into rebound, subdivision, and the design of the human instrument, we can go from halting and sluggish, to slippery and precise with lightening speed.
Through my work in classical coloratura, North Indian music, jazz, Bulgarian and singing, and other disciplines like dance, swimming, boxing, acrobatics, and neurobiology I have become deeply attuned to how speed and precision are created reliably and consistently.
Speed and precision are emergent qualities of human performance when the proper conditions are created.
And creating those conditions is what I will show you how to do with stunning reliability.
This workshop will take you from great to exquisite to transcendent. No joke.
Workshop Structure
Part 1
Optimal Coordination: Structure and function of vocal and respiratory mechanisms in the context of the entire body
Optimal Acoustics: Resonance, tuning, and emanation
Exercises to establish coordination and optimal resonance
Part 2 Styles & Applications
Uses of agility and ornamentation in classical, traditional, and contemporary music
Experiments and techniques to amplify mobility, agility tuning, resonance, and speed
Part 3 Coaching
– Specific coaching for participants to work even more precisely with repertoire and application
– Open Q&A