Work With Kate

Kate’s coaching is a collaborative, creative process designed to help expert performers increase fulfillment and recognition in their work and lives.

There are two ways to work with Kate — group work and private work.

Group Work


Teaching people to sing and perform with unprecedented ease and exquisiteness is my superpower.

In these workshops we don’t just talk about the physiology and principles – we get in the arena and see what happens when you use ALL of yourself efficiently, expressively, and fully.

Join the fall 2024 series of vocal mastery workshops.

Your singing and performing will never be the same.

Learn more

Wildness & Precision® Course for Extraordinary Performers

This unique and revolutionary course can be taken from anywhere in the world.

Get individual coaching from Kate and experience the unique benefits of being in a cohort with the best in the world at what they do.

Includes live online coaching, 12 video lectures, and comprehensive supporting supplementary materials.

Learn more

Private Work

Wildness & Precision® One-on-One Immersive

The Immersive is designed to support your ideal outcome and help you transform your work.

Based on the four pillars of my extraordinary performance process, this container is created specifically for you to create transformative outcomes in a compressed time frame. In all aspects, your goals and desires are our blueprint for the work.

Potent principles and specific tools help achieve your desired results now, and develop skill and fluency to use for yourself for a lifetime.

Apply Here

1-2 Day Retreat (Live or In-Person)

In this private container, Kate guides you through physical, breathing, energetic, and vocal restoration and revitalization practices- the ones she uses for herself and has spent 20+ years learning and developing.

The design of this retreat is to give you a fun and immense deepening of your work, sparking your creativity and life, while being spacious and relaxed.

We will be gently unwinding physical, emotional, and energetic patterns that are ready to be released, and creating new pathways that integrate coordination of your whole self with your skills and desires.

The environment is one of attunement, play, and discovery.

The retreat includes some or all of the following:

  • Coordinated Movement Re-Awakening & Restoration
  • Extraordinary Breathing
  • Performance Coaching & Practical Application
  • Voice Work/ Singing with Kate
  • Restorative Alexander work/ Integration
  • Energy Session: Cleanse & Subconscious Rewiring

These sessions are joyful, profound, and transformative.

If you are at the precipice of your next breakthrough and ready for transformation in your performing and life, this is for you.

Apply Here

Kate’s unique methodology, Wildness & Precision® is based on essential qualities of optimal human thought and movement, and can be adapted for any performer.

The Wildness & Precision® Method

I Optimal Coordination

Cooperating with the design of your body, your art form, and the world gives you immediate, consistent access to your current skills and abilities. This step includes using your voice and body expertly and creating optimal acoustical and movement qualities immediately.

II Skill Building, Development & Technical Work

In this area, we identify what further skills you might need to do your best work, and find ways to work at the leading edge of your skills so you can do better and more precise work in service of your art.

III Performance Practices & Rehearsals

Here we work with text, character, rehearsal iterations, structure, and our entire biopsychosocial selves to create an integrated performing process.

This is the training I wish every performer could have.

IV Extraordinary Performance Coaching

This phase is about creative collaboration. We exchange ideas, create and develop work, and use short feedback loops to reveal the greatest, most essential performing. The artist is self-sufficient in their skills and coordination, and the coaching is synergistic and empowering.

* The process is non-linear and can use some or all pillars in combination and in any order.

Who is this work for?

I developed this way of coaching performers as a singer of 17+ languages who collaborates with the most extraordinary artists in the world.

The design of the work is to create a seamless blend of you, your art, and your audience, no matter what it is you do.

In this work you learn and live more deeply the essence of yourself and your art.

A partial list of who this work has worked for…


  • Boxers
  • Runners
  • Divers
  • Golfers
  • High Divers
  • Equestrians
  • Martial Artists
  • Roller Derby Skaters
  • Surfers
  • Skateboarders
  • Swimmers
  • Walkers
  • Yogis (Practice & Instruction)

Performing Artists & Creators

  • Actors
  • Burlesque performers
  • Directors
  • Dancers
  • Improvisers
  • Movement
  • Public Speakers
  • Teachers
  • Singers
  • Stunt Performers & Coordinators
  • Voice-Over & ADR Visionaries
  • Writers

Circus Artists

  • Acrobatics
  • Aerialists (Cerceaux/Hoop, Rope, Silks, Trapeze)
  • Clowns
  • Contortionists
  • Cyr Wheel Performers
  • Hand-Balancers
  • Hula Hoopers
  • Fire Artists
  • Jugglers
  • Slapstick/Physical Storytellers
  • Mimes


  • Composers
  • Conductors
  • Singers
  • Percussionists
  • String Players
  • Wind Players

If you’re feeling the nudge to work with Kate, apply today and have a conversation to explore how this work could change your life.
