It is hard to convey the utter amazement I felt hearing my name spoken on Bulgarian Television…
“… this grammar of animacy means that we have the linguistic structure to speak of the living world as if it were alive, as if it was a person, as if it were our family- because in our way of thinking, it is.”
The Alexander Technique is a powerful tool to do what Yo-Yo Ma describes beautifully here, often termed “deliberate practice.” That is it’s value.
Technique, skill, consistency, quality and creativity.
By appropriately coordinating the vocal mechanism, one can quite easily call up different colors and emphasize specific spectral resonance without diminishing the others.
Talent is insufficient. Desire is insufficient. We have to choose to respond to our desire, and do the work that we need to do to support that response.
“The point is: What are you satisfied with?” Bill Evans
As I sang each show, I had the view of a lifetime; seeing these astounding humans performing extraordinarily, twice a night, 10 shows per week. I wondered. How are they doing what they’re doing?